- Fri. Sept. 13 Baldwinaires Auditions & Applications Open- Submitted Virtually
- Friday, Sept. 20 Baldwinaires Auditions & Applications Closed- by Midnight
- Wednesday, Sept. 25 Tri-M Music Honors Society Information Meeting: 2:30-3:30 pm: BHS Choir Room
- Friday, Oct. 11 Tri-M Officer Applications Due- by Midnight
- Friday, Oct. 10 Homecoming Bonfire Performance at BHS 6pm-8pm
- All choirs are invited to attend; dress in weather-appropriate Baldwin-pride attire; students and parents, please stop by the choir table for a chance to win a prize. Sing The Alma Mater around the bonfire.
- Friday, Oct. 18 Tri-M Invitations Released- via email
- Wed. Oct. 30 Tri-M Induction Ceremony- 2:30-3:30 pm: BHS Choir Room
- Sat. Nov. 2 Auditioned Group- PMEA Contemporary A Cappella Showcase at Peters Twp.
- Fri. Nov. 22 Tri-M Annual Service Project MiOSM Meeting- After school until 4pm: BHS Choir Room
- Tri-M Members- please refer to your webpage.
- Monday, Nov. 25 PMEA District Chorus Auditions at North Allegheny
- PMEA Districts is for 10th-12th grade choir students who would like to audition. Click Here for more.
- Wednesday, Dec. 4th Chorus 8- Allegheny County Courthouse Performance Noon-12:40 PM.
- 8th Grade Choir Only Report to Choir Room after period 2.
- Wednesday, Dec. 4th Baldwinaires- School Board Performance 7:30 PM
- Baldwinaires- Report to 4900 Curry Road by 7pm in Pro-Concert Attire.
- Friday, Dec. 6 Caste Village Light Up Night: Report 6. Sing at 6:15PM.
- All BHS Choir students are invited to attend. Baldwinaires= mandatory. We sing outside by the tree, so dress accordingly. Attire: Outdoor Holiday attire. Report 6PM. Sing at 6:15. Done by 6:45PM.
- Saturday, Dec. 7 Gifts of Dance Children's Hospital Fundraiser Performance at BHS
- All BHS Choir students are invited to attend. Baldwinaires= mandatory. We sing inside on the stage. Report to the choir room no later than 6:30pm. The event begins at 7. The choir is the 3rd song. Event organizers choose the actual performance time. Attire: Pro-Concert Attire.
- *Thurs. Dec. 12th All Choirs including 8th- WINTER CHORUS CONCERT
- Students will stay after school, rehearse, eat together, and perform at 6:30 pm at BHS. Admission is any monetary donation or non-perishable food item. *This is a graded performance as part of the Baldwin Chorus and Honors Choir curriculum.
- Friday, Dec. 13 All High School Choirs- COOKIE EXTRAVAGANZA at BHS
- All BHS Choirs MUST participate in this during-the-school-day event created to celebrate the senior citizens in our community. The event starts at 10:30 am. Students' names will be submitted to attendance.
- Friday, Dec. 13 Baldwinaires at Baldwin Light-Up Night Baldwin Borough Building
- All BHS Choir students are invited to attend. Baldwinaires= mandatory. Report 6:00 PM at the Log House. We sing outside at 6:15, then inside at 6:30. Done by 6:45 PM.
- Wednesday, Dec. 18th 6:00 pm Whitehall Lion’s Club Performance at Residence at Whitehall
- Report 5:30 PM Meet on the back side of The Residence at Whitehall 4750 Clairton Blvd. Pro-Concert Attire:
- Thursday, Dec. 19th School Day R.A. Lutz Elementary- Elementary School Performances
- Baldwinaires report to choir room after first period. Dress. Warm-up. Board bus by 9:30 AM.
- Return to school around 11:30. Change. Head to lunch/class.
- Friday, Dec. 20 School Day Whitehall and McAnnulty Elementary School Performances
- Baldwinaires report to choir room after first period. Dress. Warm-up. Board bus by 9:30 AM.
- Head to Whitehall. Sing one performance.
- Head to MES. Eat lunch. Sing two performances.
- Head back to Baldwin by 1:30 PM. Organize sheet music & Folders.
- Friday, Jan. 3 Baldwin Idol Applications Due by Midnight.
- Tuesday, Jan. 7 BHS Choirs Disney Orlando Rehearsal 3:00-4:30 PM.
- Tuesday, Jan. 7 Mandatory MUSIC DEPT. DISNEY ORLANDO TRIP MEETING 7PM BHS LGI Room. Students and parents must attend. Get final trip details, Q & A Session, and meet the chaperones. We should be done by 8PM.
- Tuesday, Jan. 14 BHS Choirs Disney Orlando Rehearsal 3-4:40 PM.
- Tuesday, January 14 Disney LUGGAGE & MEDS DROP-OFF- BHS Auditorium Lobby After School until 6PM. Note: This is only the Checked Baggage/Luggage that will be stored under the bus/plane while on the trip. Students may bring their Checked Baggage/Luggage to the choir or band room before school that day and we will secure them for the students.However, the Meds must be dropped off after school with the trip nurse.
- Friday, Jan 31 BHS Choirs BALDWIN IDOL CHARITY FUNDRAISER: 6:30 P.M. Students in the high school choirs will be performing for your vote! Baldwin Idol is a mock singing competition loosely modeled after American Idol. Students choose a song and a charity. They perform. The audience votes (in the form of monetary donations). The act with the most votes, wins a $50 gift card and the proceeds to to the charity of their choice. This is voluntary for the students.
- Friday, Feb. 6-8 PMEA District Choral Festival at Mt. Lebo.
- PMEA Students who qualified should refer to their PMEA schedule.
- Friday, Feb. 28 PMEA Jr. High District Choir at Keystone Oaks H.S.
- PMEA Jr. High Districts Students should refer to their PMEA schedule.
- Friday, Feb. 28 BHMP Music Patrons Scholarship Info Release
Tri-M Music In Our Schools Event- TBA
Sun. March 23 BHS Musical Senior Show
Wed-Sat. March 26-29 BHS Musical
Mon. March 31 DUE- Music Patrons Scholarship, Music Banquet RSVPs, and Sr. Bios
- Wed.-Sat. April 9-11 PMEA All-State Conference
- Students who qualified for PMEA should refer to their schedule.
- Details: TBA
- Students will stay after school, rehearse, eat together, and perform at 6:30 pm at BHS. Admission is any monetary donation or non-perishable food item. *This is a graded performance as part of the Baldwin Chorus and Honors Choir curriculum.
Baldwinaires at GRADUATION
Graduation Rain Date